Join the Legacy Society, a community committed to making a lasting impact through planned gifts to Summit Health Foundation. Whether we’re already part of your plans or you’re considering it, your gift speaks volumes about your values and inspires generosity in others.
The details of your gift are confidential, and we respect your privacy if you wish to remain anonymous. Let us know if you’ve already included us in your plans so we can ensure your gift aligns with your goals.

Meet Our Members
Herbert Freeland and Elizabeth Angle-Freeland*
John and Dorothy Ashby*
Joseph H. and Katherine H. Baird*
Lionel K. and Mary M. Baker*
Charles Thomas and Patricia Barbarowics
Harold and June Bard*
Kenneth and Beverly Barrett
Alice M. Bartholomew*
Edward and Marie Beck
Emma G. Benedict
John G. Benedict
John K. Berger*
Jane Biesecker
Dr. John and Mary Bietsch*
Charles and S. Bikle*
Doris I. Billow*
Louise E. Bishop*
Anna E. Bittinger*
N. Boerner
Dorothy J. Bowers*
Harold and Dolores Brake
Denton W. Bream
Lee* and Joy Brown
Otis and Carol Brown
Roger and Marion Brown*
Grace M. Byers*
Margaret E. Carbaugh
Thomas and Gretchen* Carbaugh
Ethel L. Clever
Carolyn Clouser
Max and Mary Clugston*
Annie Coble*
Ruth V. Coons*
William Huston Craig
George and Mary Crook*
Daniel and Catherine Culp*
Charles H. Davison*
Douglas D. Depuy*
George M. and Bertha B. Detrich
Harriet and Marvin Dice*
William and Valorie Dick
Margaret C. Diehl*
George E. and Margaret C. Diehl*
Donald and Gertrude Eberly*
David and Edna Eby*
Elizabeth R. Elder*
Omer and Audrey Eshleman*
Herbert J. and Naomi G. Essich*
Lawrence and Ruth Faust*
Nettie J. Fetter
Carrie H. Frey*
Harold C. & Eleanor S. Gabler
John and Sandra* Gates
Barbara Gaydick
Harry and Doris Gehman*
Julia F. Geiling*
Hazel Filbert Geiser
Sally M. George*
Robert* and Lois Gonder
John and Eleanor Good*
Joseph and Emma Gotwals*
Lee Greenawalt
Nicholas and Kathryn Grgurich*
Betty M. Grissinger*
Patricia S. Gross*
John and Cora Grove*
Dr. Harry H. Haddon*
Merle B. Hafer*
John* and Kathryn Hartley
Earl E. Havens*
Raymond Hays*
Bernard Heckner*
Edgar S. and Janet E. Hege
Edgar and Janet Hege*
Bruce Henderson
Ruth S. Henneberger*
Grace L. Hess
Jack and JoAnn Highberger
Dr. Hillard and Jule Himelfarb*
Rose G. Holler
Edna Hoover
Guy and Grace Hoover*
William F. and Emma C. Hoover*
Ralph ad Helen Horst*
George W. and Marjorie E. Hosfeld
Richard* and Lin Hoskinson
Marjorie K. Huber
Edwin B. Huber
James and Martha Hyatt*
Barry Landis and Daniel Kauffman*
Jacob and Patty Kaufman
Richard E. Kear*
Meehan Holtz Kelly
Marlin S. and Bertha Kenepp*
Dr. W. David and Susan* Kent
Carrie B. Kimple
Goldie A. Kirkpatrick*
Carl and Margaret Klee*
George and Ruby Klee*
Alice L. Kramer*
Elva Kroeger
Cora E. Lehman
Frank B. Leidig*
Edyth B. Lesher*
Margaret D. Lienemann*
Mildred G. Linn*
Omar* and Anna Martin
Russell and Patricia Martz
Isabel M. McAlister*
James McBean
Mildred H. McCleary
and Amelia McCulloh*
James E. McLean*
June Mellott*
Harold and Vada Miller*
Laura M. Mish*
Preston and Helen Moe
Louise Monack
Wayne and Jane Mowrey*
Nellie R. Myers
David and Berdette Myers*
Samuel L. Myers*
Helen L. Nessel*
Patrick and Pamela O’Donnell
Joseph J. Oller
Helen E. Palmer
Grace E. Poole*
Ira J. Porterfield
Anna B. Pryor
Dr. Robert and Dorothy Rector*
Bernice and E. Reese*
Florence Reynolds
Samuel and Barbara Runyon
John and Margaret* Ryff
John D. Schaal
Thomas and Alice Schaeffer*
Helen M. Scheller
Joseph H. Schmitt*
Norman J. and Elizabeth S.* Sellers
Anna B. Shank*
William and Roberta Shank
Rodney I. Shatzer*
Kathleen W. Shoop*
William and Maybelle Shrader*
Robert and Florence Shull*
James and Hilda Simms*
Ward and Frances F. Sleichter
Frances and J. Sleichter*
Anna H. Snively*
Caroline Shriver Snively*
Charles and Eunice Statler*
Marie A. Statler*
Paul Steinbach*
Lewis* and Frances Stence
David and Beth Stephey
Helen M. Stewart*
Thomas and Mary Stonesifer
Norma Jean Strassburger*
Evelyn Stratton*
Albert Strite*
Deborah Strong
Ruth M. Tarman*
Thomas M. Varden*
Rebecca Varner*
Frank C. and Edna S. Walker
Paul Walker*
Charles and Nellie Walker*
John and Madolin* Wenger
Morrow K. Wenger
Helen M. Wenger*
Vera B. Wenger*
Clay Wertz
Paul and Rachel White*
Harry M. Witter*
Theodore M. Wood*